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잠자는 숲속의 미녀 성 마법

마법의 잠자는 숲속의 공주 성

마법의 잠자는 숲속의 공주 성

Sleeping Beauty Castle is an enchanted castle in the land of make believe. It is surrounded with extraordinary beauty! It is magical! It vibrates with color! It is astonishing! Sleeping Beauty Castle is the center of Disneyland, California USA. Come, let’s celebrate!

This extraordinary castle found it’s beginning in Germany.  Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavaria, Germany, provided the inspiration! Walt Disney provided the magic! Add a few French touches! Season it with imagination! Spice it with grandeur! Paint it with love! Then you have….Sleeping Beauty Castle.

Fantasyland is the core to a magnificent Disneyland experience. 월트 디즈니 is the source of all things magical!   Sleeping Beauty Castle is his handiwork!  His genius and creativity is seen throughout the castle.  His vision for greatness is everywhere! His use of color is phenomenal! The sound effects are outstanding! The panorama view of Sleeping Beauty Castle is both mystical and miraculous. It’s extraordinary architecture is astounding! Sleeping Beauty Castle is a world of grander!

Sleeping Beauty Castle soars 77 feet into the air! It was built with a special architectural design. This design is known as forced perspective. It appears to soar so much higher. The majestic spirals reach to the sky! Many seem to go beyond! The clouds seem to touch the top! The projection is amazing! This is the world of magic. It is a world of creativity. It is a place where the party never ends!  It is Sleeping Beauty Castle!

Beginning in 1957, visitors were able to walk through this fascinating castle. During this walk-through they could view many re-enactments of the story of Sleeping Beauty.  The animated story is fantastic! It is incredulous! It is believable!  It is the land of make believe brought to life!

Sadly this fascinating walk-through was closed after the November 11th terrorists attracts. These amazing displays of fantasy grew silent. The walk-through remained closed for several years. It was not until the summer of 2008 that things began to change. In July of 2008 it was re-opened to visitors. It opened with all the original grander! It has all the spectacular colors! It is the story of Sleeping Beauty! It is complete with enhanced technology! Technology, that had not been available back in the 1950’s! The result is miraculous! It is magical! It is the world of Walt Disney!

May 22, 2015 marked the 50th anniversary of  Disneyland USA. The “World Of Color Celebrate” began to add many colorful lighting effects to the night! Colors flash through the air! Fantasyland characters come alive. They fill the streets! They fill the skys! The views of the castle are spectacular! The colors engulf the castle spires.  The magic extends into the night! It is is astonishing! It is Disneyland USA!

Sleeping Beauty Castle receives a fresh coat of paint!  The castle is covered with diamonds! The diamonds glow and sparkle in the night! Glitter is added. The castle twinkles day and night!  In the day it is a fairy-tale. In the night it is magic. Welcome to the world of make believe!

“Paint the Night” is introduced at the kick-off celebration! Welcome to Disney’s anniversary party! The sky is alive with color! Light shows enhance the magic. This is the party without end! It is unbelievable! It is magical!  It is spectacular! It is Disneyland USA!

This is a party without end. The opening night is a 24 hour event.  It is only the beginning! The celebration continues! The fun is contagious! The magic lives on!

“Disneyland Forever” becomes the newest fireworks show. Fireworks fill the air! Disney characters explode in the sky! Color is everywhere! The thunder roars! The lights explode! The entire park lights-up. The castle is shrouded in mystery!  The diamonds sparkle in the light! The fireworks are astonishing! The patterns are amazing! The displays of color are spectacular! Welcome…..the party is beginning!

The year 2015 has quickly become an unforgettable year!  It is time to celebrate in the land of magic! It is a celebration without end. It continues into the next New Year! Then it continues to the next! This is Disneyland forever! There is no end! There is only a beginning!

Disneyland is unbelievable entertainment. Sleeping Beauty Castle is at the center. It is magnificent! It leaves you speechless! There are no words. It is unique! It has never been done! It is the heart of Walt Disney. Come, let’s celebrate!

